Beware of False Progress
By: jwilder, 11/18/2020
Many are plugged into the most popular success outlets with fancy images, quotes, and inspiration. But what looks like beautiful crystal water on the surface is really the lake of stagnation beckoning you to stay a little longer. As it is written, some are "always learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth."
A book, website, YouTube channel, social media, should help you get measurable results. It should lead you beyond the quotes and inspiration to action. If it doesn't, then move on. There are plenty of other people that enjoy the lake of delusion.
No one achieves success by accident.
No one achieves success by reading quotes.
No one achieves success by hope.
No one achieves success by designing the most inspirational newsfeed.
Success is manifested by the daily creation of value that serves others.
Here is the proper progress.
Learning converts to action.
Action converts to meaningful output (creating value).
Output converts to measurable results.
Results are measurable. If you are not creating value, then what you are doing is not working.
If what you are doing is not working, change what you are doing or add what you should be doing.
The fire hose of self-improvement success articles fill the Internet daily like pollution from industrial age factories. Most of it has little value (on purpose). It serves you enough to get your attention.
A good book, website, or class helps you get results. It's easy to get caught up in the inspiration and not make any measurable progress.
So bottom line. Results are measurable.
If you are not creating value, then what you are doing is not working.
If what you are doing is not working, change what you are doing or add what you should be doing.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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