Finding the Seed of Great Success
By: jwilder, 12/3/2021
Here is a simple truth for me: If something doesn't excite me or add to my sense of fulfillment, then it's just a task.
I don't wake up thinking of tasks. I don't get excited talking about tasks. I don't think about how I can perform tasks better. I don't really care about tasks. They just need to be done. And this is how many see their jobs. It just needs to be done. Get your tasks done, then you can go out and play. That's what we are taught. Study hard, then recess.
Yes, we have to learn things that aren't interesting. We need to be able to successfully perform our tasks in life.
Here's another truth. People figure out how to do what they enjoy. Some figure out how to earn a side income. Some figure out how to earn a living. Some figure out how to earn a fortune. Forget the money, some people just want to live an extraordinary life.
The point is, if you want something more, then figure out how to get it. If you can find something that excites you and others want that same thing, then I believe we have the seed of great success.
Great success is the excitement of helping someone get what they want. You are excited and they are excited. That is powerful, sustainable energy. Energy is what powers everything. Energy is the power of great success.
Energy must be put to work. Once we have the perfect seed, it must be planted. The work needs to be done. We show up daily. We do the work.
This is a process I have used my entire life. But for decades I never thought about understanding the process better. I never thought about breaking down the process and principles into understandable components. I never thought about what could be optimized. Truth is, when I got what I wanted, I went back to coasting.
If something excites you, then there is no harm in imagining the possibilities. There is no harm in creating small experiments to test your ideas. There is no harm in searching for the seed of great success, or the seed of an extraordinary life.
To your success!
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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