Success Key: Protect Your Create Time and Environment
By: jwilder, 11/24/2021
A key to success is to defend the time and environment where you create.
Don't create during the time that is left in the day. Allocate time to create. Hold "create time" as sacred. Do everything else with the time that remains.
The mind can be easily distracted. Create an environment and adopt constraints that protect against distraction. For example, don't check your email, or take a social media break. One bad email or emotionally charged post can easily impact your emotions (that's how social works).
Be careful about the things you do before your "create time."
This is always a challenge, and why this is a good reminder.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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