The Mystery of Serendipity
By: jwilder, 9/10/2020
Sometimes random events happen that bring real value to your life. The most memorable events have a strong emotional reaction.
This is true in my experience. So it's worth exploring.
One thing I've learned about writing is that it is a good tool to explore thoughts and clear room to allow deeper thoughts to come in.
The mind is amazing. It seems to know things subconsciously that you don't know consciously.
Without going into detail I will summarize one powerful event. I have experienced several days in a row where serendipitous events have given me answers to my current activity of focus. As a result, a series of words entered into my conscious mind. There was a clear connection between the words.
The words are serendipity, synchronicity, entanglement.
I am experienced enough to know that when my mind speaks I better listen because it has something to say or some thing to teach me.
So I write down what I know expecting more to come.
Serendipity. This is an event and a feeling. When you focus on something and something related to what you were focusing on appears in your life.
I am a curious skeptic. I also don't have to understand something in order to believe it. What does the evidence say?
A serendipitous event:
- Happens without your effort. It actually forces its way into your life.
- Happens when you focus on an idea intently.
- Happens when you go to new locations.
- Happens in your home.
- Provides an answer to a problem.
- Provides confirmation of your direction or endeavors.
A coincidence is interesting, but serendipity is a coincidence with deep meaning and sometimes tangible value.
My mind wants to connect these two words: serendipity and quantum entanglement.
My feeling is we are connected to people, places and objects in the world whether they are close or far away.
When a serendipitous event occurs what are the circumstances?
Since this actually happens, it's not a theory, can you take advantage of this?
For whatever reason, I am curious to the point that I will make a conscious effort to better observe and understand how this works in my life.
Serendipity is no substitute for solid character, wise choices and hard work.
If serendipity is simply a powerful coincidence, then that is fine. But only a curious mind makes discoveries.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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