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Success is Ancient

By: jwilder, 2/7/2022

While others chase the latest ideas and personalities, the ancient way of success continues. The principles of success endure forever.

  • Knowledge - Not all knowledge is profitable. Seek the right kind of knowledge as there is infinite knowledge available. The right kind of knowledge is knowledge that increases your value.
  • Discernment - Discernment is about making good choices. It is a skill that is obtained by gaining knowledge and asking questions? Discernment helps you weigh options, consider consequences, and choose the better path. Discernment helps you avoid the temptation of void pleasures.
  • Health - Make good choices in health. There is no opportunity for wealth if you’re sick or cannot work.
  • Invest in Your Talents - Everyone has talents. However, talents require investment. Investing in our talents increases our value. It is a gift to be able to use our talents to help others. Be skilled at something other people need.
  • Character - Good character leads to a good reputation. Who seeks out the services of a liar? Who trusts anything to a thief? Who can depend on anyone that is unreliable, who changes with the wind? One must be known in order to have a good reputation. So a key activity for this is to become known in various positive ways.
  • Generosity - Being generous is not easy for us. We have a strong fear of loss. However being generous does not mean giving all you have to the poor. Being generous is helping people when you have the means to do so.
  • Diligence - Diligence is waking up every day and using our talents to create something of value for the world.

These principles have been around from the beginning, and will continue forever. They produce value and attract abundance. The principles of success are ancient and eternal.

James Wilder

I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.

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