The Gatekeeper
By: jwilder, 1/16/2020
On the other side was a beautiful field.
A field only visible through a gate.
Every time I drew near to see, a gatekeeper appeared.
Halt! You cannot pass!
Why even try?
I ignored the field.
At times I felt its call.
But the gatekeeper always appeared.
Years passed…
I was older.
I heard the call again.
This time the voice was familiar.
It was a voice I knew.
As I approached the field, the gatekeeper appeared.
I could feel my heart beating.
I could hear each breath I took.
I approached the gate.
The gatekeeper was furious.
He stood with weapon drawn.
He stood firm and looked at me with burning eyes.
I walked through.
I kept walking.
It was beautiful.
I belong here.
I didn't turn around.
~ ~ ~
The gatekeeper is an illusion, designed for exclusion. The gatekeeper blocks the gate to our true potential. The gatekeeper has no authority. When we wake to the fact that we should be living in a better world, then we hear a familiar voice calling us. Come! Come! Many never listen. But a few hear and are changed forever.
Don't let a day go by without taking a step toward your dream.
No matter how small that step is, take it.
The smallest step is the biggest step.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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