The Value We Create is the People We Choose to Serve
By: jwilder, 4/12/2022
The value we create is really the people we choose to serve. Any other value is secondary. The key value of a business is its customers.
It is good to be focused on your product or service. Everything we create and every service we improve is only potential value. Without people to serve, the value is not released. If there are no customers, we have nothing.
To have a mindset that the customer is the most important value is key. All other value is created to serve the customer.
Having a mindset that the customer is the value will influence where we focus our resources. The two most important actions to invest in are:
Connect - Be a business that people want to connect with.
Communicate - Be a business that people want to hear from.
I believe this view that "the customer is the most important value" applies to sole proprietors, freelancers, non-profits, and big businesses.
How many businesses are you eager to connect with and hear from? Do they live up to your expectations or is it marketing hype?
To your success!
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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