The Scarcity of You
By: jwilder, 2/14/2022
The microchip shortage Has slowed down manufacturing of certain products, such as cars, and driven up prices for used cars. This is the effect of scarcity. When demand is greater than the supply there is scarcity. This drives up prices.
Similarly, each human being is unique and therefore scarce. But each individual is not necessarily in demand. One of the many reasons to invest in our skills and follow our curiosity is to increase our unique value. We could also invest in a scarce but valuable skill.
In addition to being unique and valuable, we must be known. That is, we must put in the time and demonstrate our uniqueness in a way that we are known. To be known is not to be famous. To be known is simply for example: Joe is an amazing furniture designer in the style of mid-century-modern, infused with his own personal style. That is being known in a very specific way. And that is being scarce.
There is only one you. Follow your curiosity. Keep learning. Serve a group of people you care about.
To your success!
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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