What is Success
By: jwilder, 10/8/2020
What is success?
Success Definition
The common definition of success is: "The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame." Wiktionary
Success is usually seen as a destination.
What we need is a personal definition.
Success Redefined
Thankfully, we are free to create our own definition of success.
We can define success in a way that removes self-imposed mental barriers and empowers us to grow.
I believe success is a mindset.
I believe success is available to anyone.
Why Have a Success Mindset
We are bombarded with negative images and thoughts on a daily basis.
To rise above the noise, we must adopt a philosophy of life and living that allows us to grow and thrive.
Some of the benefits of having a success mindset:
It causes you to focus.
It gives you a mission.
It makes every day count.
It can make you influential.
It makes you feel more alive.
It gives you a sense of urgency.
It makes your actions significant.
It gives you a sense of empowerment.
It helps you persevere through hard times.
How to Have a Success Mindset
I believe as human beings we all have an unlimited capacity to grow in all aspects of our life.
The first thing to do is define success for yourself, and allow that definition to change as you grow.
Here are a few ways to get started.
1. Think of people you admire, and write down why you admire them. This will give you a clue of qualities you value and want for yourself.
2. List the skills and abilities you have that you want to grow.
3. Start doing things today even though you’re not good at them. Never delay!
4. Improve your mental and physical health. This will help you think clearer and give you more physical energy and stamina.
5. Realize your mortality and pursue success anyway.
6. Avoid distractions and pointless activities that keep you from making progress.
7. Don't tie your ego to what you create. Whether it is art, photography, writing, carpentry, or anything else. Enjoy what you create, but don't let it define you.
8. Don't be self critical. You will never begin the journey if you are overly critical of everything you do.
9. Don't seek approval from your peers! You can get feedback, but never seek validation or approval.
10. Don't wait for others to label you as successful.
11. Recognize and believe you are unique and that others can benefit from what you create and discover in life.
12. Read books that encourage you and biographies that inspire you.
13. Write a vision statement for your life and update it every year.
14. Don't make excuses.
15. Stay humble.
Start today.
You don't need to wait.
You are empowered to succeed.
Contribute, give, share and empower others.
There can never be too many successful people!
Society's definition of success is relative and arbitrary.
What we need is a personal definition of success.
Thankfully, we are free to create our own definition of success. We don't need to wait for others to label us successful.
The first action is to define success for yourself and allow that definition to change as you grow.
In order to rise above the noise and negativity that surrounds us, we can adopt a philosophy of life and living that allows us to grow and thrive.
You will face challenges, but challenges make you stronger.
I believe (know) there is no limit to our potential for growth in all areas of our lives.
Whatever you do, whatever you create, share it with others, and inspire others to do the same.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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