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Default Mindset

By: jwilder, 11/20/2020

Everyone has a mindset. A mindset is a set of beliefs about the world and ourselves. Our mindset is usually developed through the daily influence of our parents, friends, experiences, and our unique personality. Some of these influences are good, but sometimes they are bad.

Many machines have default settings. These settings can be modified to get better performance. The same is true with human beings.

Over time, we unconsciously acquire beliefs about ourselves and see the world in certain ways. These beliefs, our default mindset, does not always serve us. In fact, it may hold us back.

A mindset consists of two perspectives. An inward perspective and an outward perspective.

An inward perspective is what you believe about yourself.
An outward perspective is what you believe about the world.

A mindset helps us survive and thrive.

Survival Mindset

Having a mindset based mostly on survival can lead us to ever worsening life experiences. It can be emotionally draining. The negative consequences serve to reinforce the negative view of the world.

We do not live in a time or place that warrants a survival mindset. And even if we did, it would be the growth mindset that turned things back to the right direction.

Survival instincts are not bad. But they can influence us to see the world as a place where everyone is out to get us. We might be afraid to take risks for fear of failure, criticism and ridicule.

This type of survival mindset does not serve us. It hinders our creativity and growth.

Growth Mindset

Having a mindset based on growth can lead us to ever improving life experiences. It can be emotionally uplifting. The consequences serve to reinforce a positive self image and view the world as a place of opportunities.

I believe the best mindset is based on reality and potential.

What is the best mindset?

The best mindset is the one that you intentionally design for yourself. One that allows you to grow in all areas of your life.

To start, you can examine your current mindset, get rid of old ideas and beliefs, and adopt ideas and beliefs that serve you.

I think the most important beliefs to start with are:

  • Our growth and potential is unlimited.
  • We have the power to choose our thoughts. Our thoughts don't control us.
  • We can set our own direction rather than react to circumstances.
  • We can look for opportunities and not give up when we hit obstacles.

The Principle

Everyone has a mindset. It's usually developed through the influence of parents, friends, experiences, and personality. The best mindset is the one that you intentionally design for yourself. One that allows you to grow in all areas of your life.

James Wilder

I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.

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