Principles of Abundance - Ask Seek Knock
By: jwilder, 12/17/2021
Abundance is increased when we utilize all opportunities that are available to us. Most every successful person has a whole list of people to thank for helping them. But we cannot create our own "thank-you" list if we don't ask, seek, and knock.
It is said:
- Ask and it will be given to you.
- Seek and you will find.
- Knock and the door will be opened.
If we have a reasonable question any reasonable person will gladly answer. If someone comes up to you on the street and asks you for directions, would you not tell them if you knew? We are wired to answer questions and to be helpful.
Sure, there are mean, rude, selfish, or just plain busy people, but they are not the majority. Most people will help if they do not feel threatened or suspect you are trying to take advantage of them. Some people will even go out of their way in order to help. What a blessing to find these people!
If someone cannot help us, do not curse them. We all have stress. We all have hidden troubles. If someone can’t help, thank them and move on. Maybe even say a prayer for them, they might need it. The point is keep asking, keep knocking, and keep seeking. The right people, the right opportunity, the right solution will be found.
The key principle is that abundance increases if we are humble and willing to ask, seek and knock. Resources are available. Answers are out there if we seek them.
Abundance is a flow of giving and receiving. It is a life giving connection between people. And let us not forget the people that have helped us in the past.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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