The Mind of Success Adds Value
By: jwilder, 12/23/2021
The mind of success is always conscious of value. The successful ask "How can I add value?"
As we build our dreams, and find the people we want to serve and create value for, we can look for ways to add value to value. For example, a rock-star mentality creator makes jaw dropping one-of-a-kind furniture and sells for top dollar it to fans of high style. Another creator makes good quality furniture, explains why it is good, answers any questions the customer has, communicates appreciation for the customer, gets customers contact information, follows up with the customer, gets feedback from the customer, finds out what customers value, and so on. The second furniture maker will prosper consistently over the long term. This is adding value.
How many businesses do you know that sincerely care about you? It is rare because it is hard. It takes a love for what you do and a love for the person you serve.
As you build your dream, always be looking for new value opportunities and always be thinking about how to add value.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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