The Mind of Success Seeks Value
By: jwilder, 12/22/2021
The mind of success is always conscious of value. What is value? What is valuable? What is valuable to me? What is valuable to others? Where is value?
Looking for value is a skill that is developed. When thinking about something daily it begins to shape the mind. The subconscious begins looking for value. You will get flashes of insight. The mind of success serves the master of the mind.
How can I be more valuable? What do I have that is of value? What skills do I have that are valuable to others? What skills should I acquire to increase my value? This is the way of growth and ever increasing value.
The mind of success looks for value in bad times. It asks the question "what good can come out of this? What can I learn from this?" The mind of success looks for value in all things, in all events, in all circumstances.
Why do successful people read voraciously? They know, like gold, value has to be mined. And the greatest, and most accessible, storehouse of value is in books.
The mind of success is always conscious of value.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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