The Mind of Success Seeks Wisdom
By: jwilder, 1/11/2022
Wisdom is the quality of applying knowledge, experience, and good judgment.
Being a student of success means being a student of wisdom. Being filled with knowledge has no value unless it is used wisely.
Wisdom can be attained through experience and through observation. We don't have to learn the hard way all the time. We can take our slightly painful experiences and avoid more serious consequences. Wisdom always considers unintended consequences.
Wisdom is humble and seeks the counsel of others. There are a library of stories about people who failed because they trusted their own judgment without seeking counsel from those they trust.
Wisdom respects the laws of physics and the laws of nature. Wisdom also studies the laws of human nature.
Wisdom looks for analogies in nature. Wisdom manages energy. Wisdom considers other perspectives. Wisdom is always open to discovery. Wisdom understands the value of things. Wisdom seeks rigorous self honesty. Wisdom looks beyond the surface.
The study of success is closely related to the study of wisdom. To be successful is to live a life of wise choices.
James Wilder
I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.
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