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We All Need a Story of Hope

By: jwilder, 3/16/2022

There's a man I know. He was on the wrong path for a while, but by the grace of God he turned his life around, and never looked back.

This man is kind, positive, and has an infectious sense of humor. He is a gardener at heart, and loves to see things grow.

He loves his kids and is always focused on their wellbeing. He knows that service to others is the best form of self-help. He is a light to many who still struggle. He's always available to share his experience, strength, and hope. He's a coach with a big heart, and always has room for one more on the team.

He takes on challenges like a pitbull. No matter what life throws at him, he doesn't let it keep him down. When everything is said and done, this man makes a difference, and that is what counts. And this I know, the story is still being written, and the best is yet to come.

When success is a long road, when it feels like difficult times will never end, remember this simple truth: we are closer today than we were yesterday.

One day at a time. Do the next right thing. First things first. Do what's in front of you. Don't quit before the miracle happens.

Be filled with love and generosity. Use your gifts to the fullest. Be in awe of the gift of life and the mysteries of the universe. Be a good gardener.

Plant seeds along the way.

To your success!

~ ~ ~

James Wilder

I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.

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