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Follow Your Dreams Waco

By: jwilder, 11/27/2023

Waco, Texas - Waco is certainly a place where dreams come true. Just look at Chip and Joanna Gaines and the Magnolia empire they are building. Waco was also home to Paul J. Meyer, a pioneer in leadership training who helped start the careers of Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, and more.

There are many other dream stories in Waco waiting to be revealed. But dreams take work, knowledge, and resources.

Here is the truth about following your dreams, and how to make an informed decision about following your dreams.

StartUp Your Dream

Not everyone fits in the start-up entrepreneur mold. Following your dreams does not equal entrepreneurship (although it can include it). Sadly, this is where many people get tripped up. They think "How can I make a living with my dream?" This is one of the first places that dreams fail to even get off the ground. They aren't given a chance because people believe that your dreams must pay the bills of life. But dreams are not jobs. Dreams are dreams.

What is a Dream

A dream is a specific way we choose to live and express our purpose through using our gifts and desires to do something deeply fulfilling, and is a benefit for others.

There is nothing in that definition that implies paying the bills or becoming famous.

For many people, dreams can dwell as a dormant desire to fulfill their potential. Dreams can be foggy and unclear. Wrestling with a foggy vision of our purpose and who we truly want to become can take years.

Here is the truth. The path to making a dream a reality is not well understood, and is not taught well.

The Truth About Following Your dreams

Here is the truth about following your dreams. The good news is, dreams are achievable for everyone. The hard news is, dreams take time (don't breeze over the word "time") and deliberate personal growth. These are two uncomfortable truths about following your dreams. The true target for a dream is a lifetime (and beyond). This is where most people abandon their dreams and give up.

Building your dreams takes deep work. I say "building" because that is the best word to describe the process. It is an ongoing building process from start to finish. Every dream builder has to learn building skills. There is no way around this fact.

Dream builders get to wrestle with the deep questions of life, such as: What is your purpose? What is your definition of success? What is your dream? What are your talents? What do you want in life? How do you start?

These are deep questions. But deep questions come with deep benefits.

The Benefits of Following Your Dreams

The benefits of following your dreams are profund. Here are the most important benefits:

1. Fulfillment. Your dreams are linked to deep fulfillment in life. Following your dreams allows you to actively express who you are and what you can do. There is no other activity in life that allows this.

2. Full autonomy. You have full control of your dreams. No one can tell you what your dream should be. You make every decision.

3. Full growth. Because your dream is your vision, you make the calls. But many of the decisions you make can be difficult. You are the leader, so you have to deal with every problem. This is where serious growth happens. This is where character is built.

There are many other benefits, and some are amazing! Why? Because you will experience deep satisfaction and fulfillment from following your dreams, and most people don't choose this path.

How to Live Your Dreams

Most people think of "living the dream" as sitting on a beach watching the sunset, or living in a mansion, or being famous. Nope.

Dreams are for living, now, every day, wherever you are. If you actively pursue your dreams then you are LIVING YOUR DREAMS.

We were born to dream, from childhood, to adulthood, to our last day on earth.

Anyone who is pursuing their dreams, no matter how big or small, is living their dreams. And living your dreams can start today.

If you want to dive in and start living your dreams then sign up for my weekly newsletter to learn the principles, practices, and mindset to live your dreams today.

Sign Up Here to start living your dreams today!

To your success, Waco!

James Wilder

I write about success principles and practices that help dreamers take action and achieve their goals! I believe that success is for anyone that truly desires it.

Join me on the success journey! Subscribe to my weekly Keys to Personal Success email and gain momentum in the right direction! Sign up here: James On Success.


What is a Dream

No Time To Dream

There Are Many Objections to Living Your Dreams